Join us to help develop a diverse and skilled workforce to meet the health care talent needs of West Michigan.
We work with employers and community partners to encourage careers in the health care industry.
Thank you to all who attended our August 2024 health care career fair carnivals!
And thank you to our Ringmaster Sponsor for these events: Corewell Health!
Couldn't attend in person?
Explore health care careers online at: https://pathfinder.mitalent.org
This event was sponsored by West Michigan Works! and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Workforce Development.
Watch this page for future career fair carnival opportunities, coming in the spring of 2025!

WMHCC works with area schools to inspire the next generation to explore health care as a career. Through partnerships, youth programs, training and more – we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to engage the upcoming workforce.
MiCareerQuest, an innovative, experiential career event, was created in 2015 by Michigan Works! Kent, Allegan & Barry Counties (now West Michigan Works!), Kent ISD and the Construction Workforce Development Alliance (CWDA) in response to employers’ need for future talent in Construction, Healthcare, Information Technology and Manufacturing. Learn more here – micareerquest.org.
We work to create and provide ways to learn and enter the industry as well as be an effective employee in the health care field.
With West Michigan Works! WMHCC has worked to develop two medical apprenticeship programs: Sterile Processing and Medical Assistant. We make it easy for employers to provide a registered apprenticeship program by collaborating with local community colleges and training providers to develop classroom curriculum and registering your apprentices with the U.S. Department of Labor.
West Michigan Health Career Pathways Initiative is a collaborative of healthcare employers, educators, workforce development, and economic development organizations working together to meet West Michigan’s healthcare talent needs. We offer employers opportunities to help solve their healthcare talent needs- whether that be developing pools of qualified candidates, utilizing proven assessment tools, engaging in training programs, or opening access to training funding streams, among others.
We work to find funding opportunities to support the efforts of the WMHCC.
The goal of West Michigan Works! and America’s Promise Grant (APG) is to strengthen the pipeline of skilled workers in the health care Industry. Job seekers acquire the credentials and skills they need to advance into skilled health care jobs through training and the use of career portfolios. For more information on APG visit www.americaspromisewm.org.
We work to find ways to help healthcare employees to stay within the industry or at their organization.
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The Retention Solutions Network @ West Michigan Works! offers customized, timely, in-person support and training to keep your employees on the job and your business thriving. Contact Jennifer Summers at jsummers@westmiworks.org to learn more.
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