Highlights from West Michigan’s high-demand health care field featuring industry-focused videos, event information, and resources for employers and job seekers.
Check out the 100 hottest jobs in West Michigan! These jobs have a growth rate of over double the regional average and only 44 percent require a bachelor's degree or higher. Forty-four of the 100 jobs listed are directly connected to the health care industry! https://www.westmiworks.org/job-seekers/hot-jobs/
Explore in-demand West Michigan jobs by checking out the West Michigan Works! career guides. These are meant to help students and job seekers to explore careers within an industry by providing a wealth of valuable information. https://www.westmiworks.org/job-seekers/job-search/weekly-hot-jobs/career-guides/
“My Next Move” is a website hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor that includes a wealth of information every job in the U.S. economy. Students and Job Seekers can look up careers that interest them and discover the knowledge and skills necessary for success in those careers. https://www.mynextmove.org/
In 2022, the U.S. Surgeon General released a framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being. The health care industry excels in all the essentials for mental health listed in the report. Next time you contact an employer, ask them what their organization is doing to support the elements of this framework. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/workplace-mental-health-well-being.pdf
In partnership with the Michigan Health Council and Muskegon Area ISD, the West Michigan Health Careers council has created a project-based learning curriculum that allows students to simulate an outpatient medical office visit. That curriculum is available here for free for your use. Please utilize the contact form on this website with any questions or if you use this curriculum in your classroom.
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