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Gerald R Ford Job Corps Center

Located in Grand Rapids/Kent County

Gerald R Ford Job Corps Center

- (616) 243-6877

Admission Requirements:
- 16 to 24 years old
- In need of job skills
- Must be income eligible
o Receives public assistance, earns poverty-level income, is homeless, a foster-child or qualifies for reduced-price or free lunch
- Must have suitable childcare arrangements for dependents during enrollment
- No court dates or fines
- No behavior issues
- No drug use
- Complete all required activity in the Career Prep Period
o Career Exploration
o Career Success/Workplace Skills
- Have strong math and reading skills

Program Details:
- Vary by training area/must check with admissions advisor. All courses are in-person

Credential Earned:
- Job Corps states: As a Job Corps student, you will have the opportunity to earn credentials in your training area that may lead to greater employment opportunities, higher wages, and promotions.

Program Cost:
- No cost but must be income eligible

Financial Aid Accepted:
- Income eligibility

© 2022 West Michigan Works!

West Michigan Karya! mangrupakeun division tina ACSET, hiji dunungan kasempetan sarua / program jeung pasangan reueus sahiji jaringan Amérika Job Center. Bantuan sareng jasa bantu sayogi upami dipénta pikeun jalma anu cacad. West Michigan Karya! dirojong ku dana nagara sareng féderal; leuwih rinci dina

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